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5 Pitfalls to Avoid as an Authentic Person

As an authentic person, you are a rarity, so it is important that you know what to avoid along your journey.

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1) Being hypercritical of yourself

Being self-aware means that you see many of your flaws, but don't be so hard on yourself. Don't forget to acknowledge and celebrate your beauty within as well. You are already doing the hard work, it will take time, so give yourself some grace.

2) Judging others by the same metric you have for yourself

Now that you can see yourself and others with such clarity, you must remember that everyone is on a their own journey with varying levels of self-awareness. The best thing you can do is lead by example.

3) Burnout

Your commitment to personal development can make it feel like anything leisurely is a waste of time. But make sure you carve out some time to rest and enjoy yourself. You are doing just fine, trust yourself 💜

4) Isolation

Being authentic in a world full of deceit can be disheartening, but don't let that change you. Keep showing up. The world needs your positivity!

5) Expecting Reciprocation

As a loving person, you are naturally inclined to give to others. But understand that not everyone feels obliged to treat you in the same way. Their behaviour is not a reflection on you, so just keep being consistent.

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