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A True Sign of Character

It's easy to do the right thing when everything in life is going your way. But what about when times get rough? How do you handle things? How do you treat people? Do others tend to catch the stray bullets of your emotional drive-by? Or do you keep your composure and maintain your sense of self?

It's easy to pass our negative emotions on to the next person.

We feel angry, so we're short-tempered with the worker at the store.

We feel frustrated, so we have no patience with our kids when we get home.

It's a hard cycle to break, but when you are able to still treat others with patience and kindness regardless of your internal environment, THIS is a true sign that you have built your character.

It takes work and a lot of practice, but it's worth it.

Doing the right thing even when you don't feel like it is a true sign of character.

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Building character is so worth it 🧡

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