Loneliness is either when you lack personal relationships in your life or when the relationships you do have are unfulfilling, whereas being alone is just that: being by yourself.
Surrounding yourself with a lot of people doesn't mean that you cannot simultaneously experience loneliness. This can feel like the most confusing kind of loneliness, because despite your seemingly-thriving social life, you still have this empty feeling inside. This emptiness can often be an indication that the relationships you do have in your life are of a poor quality. They may bring you temporary happiness, but do not bring you true satisfaction.
By the same token, being alone does not necessarily mean that you are lonely. When you fall in love with the daily process of getting to know yourself, being alone no longer makes you feel lonely, rather it fills you with both a surreal calmness and a new zest for life.
The truth is: you are always WITH yourself, whether you are surrounded by others or not. You have to make the time you spend with yourself fulfilling and enjoyable, because no one else is going to do that for you.
If you want to start that journey of drawing closer to the real you, scroll to the bottom of this page and grab your FREE sample of my book, "Be You: Your Life Depends On It! - Original Volume" (available for pre-order Monday 25th November).
Enjoy being in your own company