Each time you take positive action that will benefit your future self, you are making a declaration of self-love.
Our fear of failure can make us close many doors of opportunity on ourselves. We inflict punishment on our own minds by creating a bunch of hypothetical scenarios, all because we are afraid to take a leap of faith. Instead of feeding the anxiety thinking of all the ways that our efforts could fail, we should realise that the only way we could really fail is if we gave up.
It is often our failure to understand this, that leads to us to stop trying. We see that our efforts might not be working as fast as we expected or in the way that we expected; so we then decide that that’s all the effort we are willing to put in.
Giving up so easily, is tantamount to saying, “I’m not worth the effort”. It’s also no different to saying that you can predict the future. Because you are making the assumption that any effort you put in is useless and no action you take will possibly work.
This way of thinking is self-sabotaging.
Just the mere fact that you are trying in the first place, puts you on track to reach your goals. What will stop you is your unwillingness to be consistent and follow through.
Sometimes we’ve got to keep pushing, even when we don’t see light at the end of the tunnel. If you stop in the darkness, you will never see any light; but if you keep moving forward, it’s not a question of IF you’ll make it through, but WHEN.
Even when you feel like giving up, reflect on why you started. What was your purpose? What smaller, micro-goals have you achieved along the way already? Write it down! Keep a record of your small wins as evidence of your progress, especially for those moments when you feel stagnation.
Remember, feeling this way doesn’t mean you have to give up the pursuit of your goals entirely. Unless your goals have changed entirely, there is no valid reason to completely stop trying. Making excuses only limits your potential and weakens your mindset.
As an alternative, there’s nothing wrong with taking a break. In fact, this can give you the momentum you need to re-start.
Because you have the space to clear your mind. You can re-evaluate your mindset and approach from a different position with more motivation and a fresh perspective.
Who knows? Rediscovering your passion might spark a rush of new ideas. You may even feel compelled to try something new and experiment a little. Whether you get the exact results you are looking for or not, you are showing your willingness to adapt and building resilience in the process.
This process may be frustrating at times, but ultimately that won’t deter you from your goals, because your pursuit is self-motivated. You value your personal growth above the opinions of others. You are not waiting for external validation, you are pushing yourself to be better, regardless of who is watching.
Society tells us to ‘prioritise our happiness’ and tempts us to chase all forms of instant gratification. You don’t buy into this misguided advice. When there is an overemphasis on avoiding anything reminiscent of difficulty, our ability to develop good character, resilience and mental toughness is seriously limited. It also diminishes the value of what we achieve.
On the other hand, you understand that big rewards require big efforts. You are prepared to delay gratification in order to achieve your goals. This means that you will endure several challenges and difficult emotions along the way. Despite these intense (yet temporary) moments, you remain steadfast on your mission and continue moving in the right direction.
Keep going and show yourself that you are worth the effort.
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You are always worth the effort 💜