Not many people will tell you this, but following your passion and prioritising self-expression is a profound act of self-love.
When I am searching for examples of passion and pure self-expression, I immediately think about children. When allowed to be themselves in a calm, safe environment, that is what they are all about, in their most natural state.
When they get the urge to do something or express themselves, rarely do they feel self-conscious or worried about how they’ll be perceived. This is true, of course, until they become victims of the imposed limitations of others – ideas of what they should and shouldn’t do.
In an effort to adapt to our environment and please those around us, we trade this care-free, child-like mindset for a self-limiting and restrictive mentality.
Unfortunately, this is the reality for many of us. This is how we end up conforming to societal norms to our own detriment. This is how we end up burning ourselves out in professions and careers that don’t play to our strengths. This is exactly how we fall into the trap of creating a life we don’t want.
It can be difficult to go against the grain and do what is right for you. After all, making such decisions seldom goes without backlash.
At the end of the day, it is your life. You have the responsibility of creating and living the life you want. You were created with a special purpose and given natural gifts that make you the perfect person to fulfil that mission. You have the power to create your own one else can do it for you.
It would be a disservice to yourself and others to do anything other than what you were placed here for. By doing what you love, you are honouring your creator and your very own existence.
Every time we succumb to the inevitable stagnation that comes with following societal norms, you are stifling your potential and wasting your natural gifts.
Scheduling in time to do something you enjoy each day feeds your basic need for self-expression.
Start thinking about your strengths and how you can put them to good use. You could do this by pursuing a new hobby, volunteering, or following a new career path. However you choose to fuel your passion, do it! Actively create the life you want. Don’t sit back and wait for someone else to tell you what to do or how to do it. Don’t make excuses for living a life you that doesn’t serve you. Take responsibility. Create your own opportunities and allow your light to shine bright as ever.
It is time to stop rejecting yourself and start living up to your full potential.
You’re worth it ☺
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Following the path that was meant for you is more important than anyone will ever tell you 💜