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Intentions Over Outcomes

A huge part of having grace for others is being able to distinguish between the results of a person's actions from their intention.

When someone makes a mistake, it is much easier to respond negatively and dismiss their efforts, but what if we stopped to consider their intentions first? Sometimes, you may find that the intention behind a person's actions were not necessarily malicious.

It's much easier to give in to negativity bias and assume that the person at fault deliberately caused an inconvenience. I think it can make us feel more justified in our feelings of anger or annoyance.

Although it may feel good in the moment to express your anger or disappointment, doing so can cause a rift in your relationship with someone. Especially when you come down harshly on them with, failing to acknowledging their humanity and the fact that EVERYONE makes mistakes.

Simply letting others know that you are grateful for their presence, their contributions and their ideas encourages them to keep up the good work. It reinforces the positive intentions they had to begin with.

It's always nice to know that someone appreciates our efforts. It makes us feel valued and motivates us to do even more. It's particularly motivating when others demonstrate their appreciation with their own actions. It shows that not only do they appreciate you, but they are willing to show it as well.

This is a great quality, particularly in leadership. Inspiring others to act rather than using fear and manipulation tactics to make them do what you want makes you a powerful individual.


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"appreciation is a great motivator"
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Showing appreciation can avoid so many misunderstandings 💛

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