Usually when we feel lonely, we contemplate the absence of quality connections around us. We focus on what we are lacking and what we DON'T have. When we fixate on what we are missing, we completely overlook the current blessings in our lives and take them for granted.
Shifting our perspective to identify the good things about your life can dampen the pain feel you in these moments.
As hard as this truth is to hear: if we understood with every part of our being that a greater plan is in play and felt gratitude for EVERYTHING we have, it wouldn't be so demoralising to be left in our own company. In fact this deep solitude might even motivate us to make better use of the time we have with ourselves.
Loneliness is painful when we don't know what purpose it serves, but gratitude opens you up to a better overstanding of your life circumstances. It is saying: "I don't necessarily understand why this is happening to me right now, but there must be a reason behind it, so I choose to appreciate the experience right now and the reason shall be revealed to me in due time."
Gratitude is not to negate the the reality of your experiences and how you feel, rather it is a tool you can use to remind yourself that your life has a purpose. When you look at the bigger picture of your life and reflect on negative experiences, with more maturity, you can tell how those situations shaped you into the better person you are today.
I know, it is hard to feel grateful when it seems your life is falling apart at the seams, but trust the process. Some people remedy this by having a gratitude journal that they write in every morning or evening. Others take the time to say prayers as often as they can. Whatever brings you out of a negative headspace and helps you to adopt a mindset filled with gratitude, I encourage it.
Loneliness is painful, but solitude doesn't have to be : )
It's so important to make a distinction between solitude and loneliness - they are not the same.